Keeps out dust, pollen, mold and allergens.

Another benefit of spray foam insulation is that it helps keeps dust, pollen, mold and allergens from entering the house through the walls.

Obviously, since you open your doors and windows and you LIVE in your home, foam can't eliminate these particles from entering your home.  However, it can reduce the amount of these harmful particles that do enter your home.

Have you ever looked at a switchplate for a light and seen gray, furry particles around the switch?  That can't be good for your health.  That is caused by air moving through your walls.  If you eliminate air movement in and through the walls, harmful particles either never enter your home or get trapped and can't find their way into your living space and onto your furniture.

Anything that can limit the amount of dust, pollen, mold and allergens that enter your home is a step in the right direction. 

I've had customers foam their new house, ONLY because they had an asthmatic child and wanted to provide a healthier environment for their child.  They didn't even care about the financial impact on their utility bills!

Have a great day.
